__CHARACTER SHEET________________________ [img]http://img08.deviantart.net/6ef7/i/2011/168/9/3/trundle_by_operion-d3huuyq.jpg[/img] Something like this. Couldn't find a better picture Name: WunWun Age(25+): 324 Race: Trolls Weapons/armor(?): Huge sturdy club, a kilt, a huge sack. Items: More info(?): Over 7 meters tall, extremely old, very strong, but slow and dim-witted troll. Skin is tough but can still be cut. Understands the language humans speak. Will be aggressive if hungry or provoked, generally peaceful. Sensitive to the sound of church bells. Can throw boulders with mediocre accruacy. Has a slight stealth factor in thick forests, swamps and mountains. ( Blends with the surroundings ) Tries to avoid contact with humans. Moves around alot. Travels with Gunnar the goblin and listens to his orders. Speaks troll speak with Gunnar. Won't start as bandits. Rather something like nomads with Gunnar the goblin. "I am justice." This k ?