With a growing rage brimming at the shores of Zethidis' sanity, his hands shaking with bloodlust at the sight of his target being blown apart before him, he laughed menacingly as the heretics attempted to hide beneath them. ""Flee? None can flee my wrath!" Zethidis screamed down into their numbers, his helm covered in the remains of their corrupt brother. Raising his arms above him, letting his rifle drop back around his shoulder - a great black crackling orb began to grow rapidly between his metallic fingertips. "Your heresy warrants punishment! Even time stands against you!" With this war cry Zethidis hurled the orb forth and watched as it struck the foes below, expanding violently until it enveloped them all. At first expressions of relief covered the Cultists faces, but then these slow grins became viscous frowns as they realised something about them was slow, or rather, something about their enemy was fast. Grinning uncontrollably Skullcavus opened up his stormbolter into their bodies, and then dove into their flailing bodies with his chain fist roaring - thirsty for flesh. Actions taken: [list] [*] Distortion sphere [*] Stormbolter fire [*] Chainfist [/list]