________________________CHARACTER SHEET________________________ [img]http://img10.deviantart.net/78fe/i/2013/238/1/d/night_goblin_shaman_by_solomon_mordecai-d6js48o.jpg[/img] Name: Gunnar Age(25+): 45 Race: Goblin Weapons/armor(?): A oak wand with some junk attached to it. A leather cloak and hat. Items: A small, portable cauldron. Different variety of seeds and liquids. More info(?): A foolish but intelligent goblin. Is a master of WunWun. Usually avoids his attendency in battles so he commands the WunWun to do the work for him. Also speaks troll speak with WunWun. Thinks he's a magician but can really only brew alcohol and grow illusional mushrooms. Usually drunk or under the influence of the illusional mushrooms. Loves treasure and anything that's shiny. Has a tamed raven which occasionally brings him various shiny items which he stores into the pouch held on his pouch near righter hip. -Wont start as bandits- ''I am Justice''