The hooded figures would not stagger in their goal of dragging the woman away to some unspoken and grisly fate. The five of them were as silent as carriers of Death, their grip only tightening as the woman continued to scream out and barter for her life. There was no use in silencing the woman. Who would care enough to defend her? Who would waste their time on her well being when they had their own lives to deal with? Some of the townsfolk were even cheering the cloaked figures, shouting cries to kill the heretic and burn her blood for the crimes she supposedly committed. The five figures were near a large well in the middle of the town when the shoutings of a young man made them turn slightly. Tatsumi would protest all he wanted but they would not answer nor would they concern themselves in dropping their quarry. Instead, one of their own moved away from the pack and shuffled to meet the man head on. The others turned away and continued in their dark task while the one left behind reared back and pounced on Tatsumi roughly, pinning him to the ground. The hood was wrangled free and what was thought to be a man was not. Or rather, the creature had the body and stature of human but the entirety of its head was that of a foaming, rapid dog. Its black snout dribbled with snot while drool pooled around its hungry jaws. Its eyes were mad and parched, showing the slit pupils of a feral animal. The creature barked viciously as it wrestled Tatsumi’s arms to the side, howling and snarling right in his face. The townsfolk watched on with placid silence.