When the two reached the classroom, Ezekiel turned with the intention of going in. He remembered what the guard at the end of the hall told him, and first leaned into the room to see if the nearest one tries to stop him or interferes in any way. Satisfied it was safe, he came in, and after throwing a guilty look to the shadow girl started opening all the drawers and closets that were spread around the interior walls of the room. In his search, even when his hands fell on some fancy metallic widget or a complicated device, he would gently push it aside. Eventually he stopped near the lecturer's desk, the drawers of which contained more basic supplies - alcohol based markers, pencils, papers and some 30cm steel rulers. They bent like paper when his fingers crossed over a bundle, out of which he selected five. Four of them he bent into bracelets and put them around each wrist and ankle, under his clothes, where they seemed to hold snugly against his skin. The fifth he sharpened into a thin blade by squishing the edge with thumb and forefinger, and spent a few minutes sharpening the pencils with it. He then proceeded to slowly eat the blade, all the while avoiding the shadow girl's gaze.