[@Memoir] [color=00a651]"That was way easier than I thought it'd be. When I tried pulling that on the fox she hit me upside the head with a bottle."[/color] Thinking of it still sent chills down his spine. Who would hit someone with a bottle over one little peck? As the distance between Leo and the ruins grew further, he began to feel like maybe he shouldn't have left that girl standing there alone. Certainly she would have made a great test subject. However, that thought quickly fled his mind. Even though they had just meant. He had already forgotten that she existed [color=00a651]"Where to now? I suppose I could always leave this forsaken place."[/color] Leo had pulled a map out of his bag and was observing it intensely. [color=00a651]"I could always just go west. I hear the cliffs of insanity are real nice this time of year."[/color] [color=82ca9d]“Wait! Please."[/color] A voice called out from behind. Leo had never heard this voice before. Who could it be that was calling him? When he turned around he greeted by a rather plain looking girl who could have easily passed as a villager. [color=00a651]"Who are you? Why are you asking me all these questions?........ Wait! Have I seen you somewhere before?"[/color] Instead of answering her questions he fired back questions of his very own. Where had he seen her before? It made perfect sense for him to forget her. Why would he remember some random villager? "Are you random villager number 23? No, that can't be it. Are you the daughter of random villager number 23?" This was really starting to get on his nerves. Why couldn't he remember who she was? [color=00a651]"Just forget it. I have somewhere to be, so I'll try and answer your questions as fast as I can."[/color] Leo took a deep breath then began to answer her questions at lightning speed. [color=00a651]"No, I'm not a villager. I don't remember ever going to the temple. I'm not from beyond the walls, but I'm also not from within them. There is nothing for you outside those walls. The only thing you will find there is suffering and pain. Now if you'll excuse me. I'm going outside the walls."[/color]