"I need to inquire some information regarding the Exicus spell 'Turn familiar'. Mainly if there is a way to delay the activation. Could you be so nice and inform him? Please tell him to give the information to the old hunter Joshua, in the camp just outside of Oakstown; thank you". With that Iṃgor turns around, heading back towards the camp. Having borrowed an empty flask from Joshua, he walks into the forest, while using his spell to find bunnies(or similar small creatures). It doesn't take long for him to find some, which he proceeds to kill by using his levitation spell to stop their blood-flow by blocking the most important veins and arteries. Their blood is used to fill the flask. Once the flask is filled, Iṃgor moves to another part of the forst, and uses the blood from the flask to draw 'Turn familiar' on the ground. He piles up some of the dead bunnies(and similar small creatures) in the center, as bait, and covers one of the 'letters' with leaves, which he used before to get the blood and the smell of the bodies off of his hands. Once the trap is set up, he climbs a tree, waiting for a carnivore to be interested in the bait.