Sarah nearly spat her drink out. "K-Kill them?!" she repeated, trying very hard not to shout. "No, I don't want you to kill them! That would be horrible!" They were major jerks, sure, but killing them? That was taking things [i]way[/i] too far! [i]...Although...[/i] whispered a devious little monster in her brain. Killing them was out of the question, no ands, ifs, or buts about it. However, the darker parts of Sarah's mind began to churn out a tiny sliver of an idea, until eventually, even her best morals couldn't drown it out. Here she was, sharing a meal with the apparent princess of Hell itself. She didn't want to [i]kill[/i] them, but... "But..." she whispered, an unfamiliar and wicked glint in her eyes, "maybe something else? Like... I don't know, something to embarrass them or really freak them out?" No matter who you were, if you weren't in PKA, you were probably against them. And Sarah was most definitely against them. And after everything they'd ever gotten away with, surely just a [i]little[/i] bit of payback would be justified, right? Some tiny part of Sarah's brain wondered if Nefas was having an effect on her, but its tiny voice went unnoticed. Ideas like this were surprisingly hard to ignore.