[b]STOPMAN III[/b] Souta didn't have time for this. He'd fucked up bad. Gotten angry. Now this place was gonna burn down and there wasn't anything he could do to stop it. He didn't know what the guy said, but at a guess the condition was that Prancing Jerk got to escape. Souta shoved Tough Love and Jack off of himself before hauling the dazed Jack to his feet. [color=f7976a]"ALRIGHT, BUDDY!"[/color], Souta shouted, [color=f7976a]"YOU WANT OUTTA HERE!? HOW'S ABOUT I GIVE YOU A HAND?"[/color] With a mighty heave, Souta flung Jack out one of the back windows, glassing up the slimy little cheat's face and probably giving him a minor concussion from the impact. The conditions of the game (Someone must escape out the back alone) having been fulfilled, the flames died down, the inexplicable exploding barrels ceased to combust, and the ceiling miraculously un-collapsed itself. The civilians, once they had gotten over their initial panic, simply found the fire exit and made it to safety easily. The clerk dialed fire and medical services while the manager wiped the blood and bits of tooth off his brass knuckles, an oddly satisfied smile plastered across his face. Presumably, Tough Love would have no trouble escaping the building. Only one loose end remaining, then. [color=f7976a]"Congrats, buddy."[/color], Souta said as he strolled out of the diner and pressed his heel into Jack's back, [color=f7976a]"Looks like you won whatever dumb game we were playing. Now, I feel like we went a little too far with beating you up earlier, so how about I give you a little bonus? I'm thinking charges of arson, theft, unsanctioned use of mental control, unlawful use of powers, and attempted homicide. Sound good to you?"[/color]