Archer smiled, taking the hand. Poking at it. [color=goldenrod]"Poke. Poke. Poke..."[/color] murmured the redhead, as she traced the design up with every poke, as if tattooing it. [color=goldenrod]"Master..."[/color] Archer's soft features suddenly hardened, twisting into something of great violence and blood-lust. [color=goldenrod]"[b]Let's kill them all,[/b]"[/color] came the request on a sultry, yet sadistic tone, [color=goldenrod]"[b]bloodily...[/b]"[/color] Suddenly, she was sweet again. [color=goldenrod]"And, not die! Yeah!"[/color] she chirps, holding his hand and bouncing on the balls of her naked feet, flashing painted toes beneath her light gown. [color=goldenrod]"Oh, and let's do our best... [b]always...[/b]"[/color]