[h1]Caster[/h1] As the other servants materialized, Caster could not help but perceive that they were as of now all women. Well, Caster supposed that she probably was tired of viewing radiant male heroes. It was somewhat of a new experience to witness other female champions from all edges of the globe, and Caster wondered whether they had been accepted in their perspective cultures as Caster herself had been. But the more pressing matter aside from extraneous ruminations was the needs of her master and her future cooperation with him. She listened to Darryl's telepathic response with a slightly cocked head, her incandescent but coldly dull crimson eyes focusing upon Darryl to gauge the veracity of his statements. She found his honesty satisfactory, and his rather casual manner reminiscent of someone she had known in ages long past. Yet he held no traits about himself that would mark him to be one exceptional, but still a cooperative master would be best. Caster herself could aptly teach this young man skills at the level servants would harbor with one of her own exceptional skills if he was hardy enough for the challenge of Caster's tutelage. [i]"Alright then, I will cede to your wishes and just remain placidly here and observe the others. The mastermind behind this should as you say reveal his intentions which you desire to know and which would likely aid me as well. The more I know of this ritual, the more likely I will be able to scrutinize its workings and perhaps interfere with its systems in my own time. Well, traditional magecraft always struck me to be boring, so I probably won't be as much of a witch I was made up to be."[/i] Stepping back from Darryl, Caster began to twist her head and observe the other servants and masters. To her acute perception, it seemed that none of the masters exhibited any familiarity with this situation. The other servants appeared to fit certain archetypes with the young blonde girl being most likely a saber class with her ironclad figure. None of them exhibited blatant weakness, which rather excited Caster and raised her hopes. How wonderful it would be to clash with the Saber and Lancer classes in pure, brutal and pressing combat. This perceptive scanning had taken only around a second, and immediately Caster telepathically responded to her master once more. [i]"Well then, so you don't know why your here but you feel riled. Quite impulsive I must say as nicely as I can, but still I respect your drive. Somewhat nostalgic if I say so myself. Anyways, your equipment is light and not suited for any real action here. Your also limited to incantations which will immediately give away your intent. Your Azoth sword is probably just an amplifier mystic code, meaning your actions here are limited to one large scale attack through a rune stone. I myself am an expert in the area of runes, and unless your rune stone is directly hewn from some great mystery in my age, it will not be able to cause a ruckus large enough for us to escape reliably in. Buuuut, I was renowned as one of the greatest witches to have lived, so I have more than enough ways for us to escape."[/i]