After the announcement and the strange actions of her cell mate, words came out of his mouth. It was a simple greeting followed by a caring inquisition. Well, since he wasn't treating her like a freak it may be safe to say that he was also a mutant. [color=8493ca]"My name's Eris. And yea, I'm fine. Just a couple of scratches and bruises, and a massive headache,"[/color] She responded. All the noises in here were hurting Eris's head, but there wasn't much that could be done about that. She stood up, uncomfortable with the dramatic height different when sitting, and walked over to the door of the cage looking around. Eris had no idea what happened to Rachel and while it seemed impossible, there was still a chance she was here. However, her head throbbed too much for Eris to call out to her friend. So with a defeated sigh, she returned to the corner of the room. There was no use wasting her energy on anything else.