[img]http://img15.deviantart.net/b774/i/2010/149/e/6/__shadow_watcher___by_wyv1.jpg[/img] He stands at 187.96 centimeters tall and weighs approximately 84 kilograms Name: Jacque Marrow Age: 24 Talent: Archery Birthmark: A patch of skin on his left breast that looks like a bite mark with a mole between the "jaws" Power: Beast Mastery- Jacque is able to temporarily spiritually bind animals to himself in order to control them. The larger the animal or number of animals, the less time he has, and creatures that are in a frantic or hostile state of mind cannot be controlled if he has not already bound them. (to put it into perspective, a mouse or a finch can be controlled for say, a full day, but a bear would be controlled for half an hour at best) History: Jacque's story is a pretty simple one: He was born into a family of extremely successful fur and spice traders, and as such was taught the tools of the trade from the moment he was deemed capable. Jacque took to his lessons well, however he found that his interests lied more with the hunting of beasts than it did with the trading of their pelts and meats. Upon reaching adulthood, Jacque chose to set out on his own, his goal being to become known as the greatest hunter in the land. For years Jacque honed his skills in the wilds that dotted the lands between the kingdoms, and had actually gained a small sliver of fame for his work. When he caught wind of the resurrection of Malo and the competition being held Jacque chose to enter believing that his skills might be useful in finding the missing pieces of the statue of Lazuli. [hider=Animal companion] [img]http://img13.deviantart.net/4d24/i/2009/055/e/9/giant_monitor_design_by_kaijusamurai.jpg[/img] - Titan is roughly 139 centimeters long and weighs 10 kilograms Name: Titan Species: A subspecies of crocodile monitor indigenous to the coastal regions that surround the country. Highly valued both in the leather industry for their thick yet supple hides and in the hunting world for their tracking ability and intelligence [/hider]