Tatsumi was relieved that the dog-man was no longer on top of him, but his relief was suddenly replaced by an overwhelming an inexplicable fear. If he hadn't already been on the ground he might've fallen again. [b][i][color=gold]What is this feeling?![/color][/i][/b] Terror momentarily overwhelmed him, but he was quickly reminded of his situation by the howling of the beasts that he had challenged. It appeared that killing their companion got their attention. Tatsumi rose quickly, grabbing his sword and shaking off the strange feeling. [b][i][color=Gold]But still, this must mean something... something is watching us.[/color][/i][/b] He refocused his mind on the battle, raising his sword across himself. Four of the beastmen were charging, and it appeared that Jennifer had joined the fight, with a large sword. It relieved him to see that she was still okay. He ran to catch up to her, [b][color=Gold]"I see you've made it out of the church. I've learned a little about where we are. 'The World of Wasted Dreams', whatever that means... but I suppose we should take care of these things before catching up."[/color][/b] With that said, he charged towards the closest of the monsters, moving to cross swords with it.