[quote=@Blue Demon] Yeah, I just replied today. I have one more post to complete my intro set. (Thankfully all typed up so I can just post it whenever I feel like it.) But I'm working on a collab post for this game with Wraith. Hopefully we'll be done soon. [/quote] Sweet. [quote=@Weird Tales] I'm still here, I've just gotten a bad case of writer's block. I'll post when I get a chance to [/quote] Don't stress mate. As Sam said, it could be your character; if it is, then it's not too late to make changes, or apply for another one altogether. But don't feel pressured to post. I get blocked all the time too. The best advice I can give you to battle it is just open up a Word document and write absolute nonsense. Just any word that comes to mind. I find that eventually, the writer's block disappears.