I was finished but the more time past while I was away from the computer, the more I noticed how much I hated AJ's weapon choice. I'm going to be editing that but in the meantime, here are my bickering duo. [hider=Keith] [b]Name:[/b] Keith Hanson [b]Official Title:[/b] Sheriff [b]Team Title:[/b]Midnight sun [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Position:[/b] Asylum [b]Specialty:[/b] Hybrid [b]Alchemic Style:[/b] Motem, Vocem [b]Asylum Code: [/b]CX (110), Right side of the chest [b]Weapons: [/b] [u]Glock 22[/u] Even though he was given the opportunity to get an A.M.R.O upgraded gun this was one weapon, one piece of his past, Keith wasn’t able to leave behind. Although there are anti-Alchemic ammo and ammunition that would leave a standard issued cartridges a toy to be laughed at, he is quite stubborn on keeping true to his old and faithful friend by keeping foreign ammunition out of the gun. Due to A.M.R.O’s pestering Keith has one magazine with anti-Alchemic ammo but to this day has stuck with his five other magazines (fifteen bullets per) and hasn't been forced to contaminate his weapon. [u]BB (Brain basher)[/u] Based off of a medieval spiked club, this weapon is a three and a half club like weapon with retractable spikes and capabilities to telescope on itself. It is light enough for Keith to carry it around with him with ease whilst being weighted enough on the end to make a decent impact when hitting a target. Close to the base of the weapon there is a button that he can use to retract or set off the spikes as he see fit during a battle. More often than not, Keith will reenforce it by adding a layer of rock to add more weight. [u]T.A.S.E.R[/u] Short for Tracking And Scanning Electronic Receiver, this tool looks like an ordinary pen with a pullout banner that has a calender on it and a generic advertisement on back to a Chinese restaurant. However when this pen is activated, the banner has the capability of being a screen with a scanning device on the opposite side with the ability to scan documents, record videos and magnify objects within its visual field. Along with that, the device has GPS capabilities with live traffic alerts and the ability to track up to two signals within a five mile radius. This is accomplished by the pen itself which has the ability when activated to shoot out a device that is about 3mm with the capability to stick on nearly any material. The pen is loaded with ten such pellets at one time. [b]Alchemy specialization:[/b] Rock solid persuasion (per Ryver's request :sun)- The ability to move and shape rock, soil sand and the likes, Keith [b]Appearance:[/b] Standing at a height of 6'3” and a stocky, muscular build to match, Keith can come off being a tad intimidating based solely off of first impressions. Although his place of origin can be challenging to pinpoint, it is presumed that his parents were pacific islanders but with a closed adoption his actual origins are unknown. His black hair is kept short and tidy and his never found with facial hair which AJ says it is because Keith uses a tad bit of alchemy while prepping for the day to keep himself clean shaven even when the duo are done for an extended time on the job. Practicality and comfort is always something Keith values over the latest fashion and what is seen as cool. A good pair of jeans and work boots are always a must unless different attire is required for the job although sweatpants and shorts are a close second during his free time. [b]Personality: [/b]Based solely off of first impressions and appearance, some would presume Keith to have an intimidating personality, and although he might use that impression to his advantage while on the job, that persona is far from who he really is. Keith is quite a sociable guy and is pretty friendly towards his friends and colleagues, although he can be a little too open about himself and AJ to AJ's distaste. Playful bantering and friendly competition with others, especially with AJ, is something Keith enjoys to do although his bantering sometimes goes too far or is taken in the wrong way by his partner and instead turns into bickering. However with them reaching the conclusion as fast as they start and neither of them ever holding a grudge with each other, it hasn't been anything Keith has ever been concerned about. While AJ sees things in terms of black and white, Keith isn't one that believes that life works that way and without hesitation will skirt along the lines set in place if believes that it is needed or will be beneficial for the greater good. He might not be a hundred percent in agreement for the way things are done in A.M.R.O but continuing his ideology from when he was a police officer, he is willing to go along with things due to it benefiting the greater good, although he will state his displeasure any chance he gets. [b]Other:[/b] Keith has a concealed weapon permit and still has his badge from when he was an officer and will use it if for some reason he needs to while on a mission. Keith isn’t too fond of the name Sheriff since he technically wasn’t sheriff while on the force and although he tried to change the nickname, it came with no success to the point that he has given up [/hider] [hider=AJ] [b]Name:[/b] AJ Bennett [b]Official Title:[/b] Soulless (given and used only by Keith. Another title can be given during the progression of the roleplay) [b]Team Title:[/b] Midnight sun [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Position:[/b] Asylum [b]Specialty:[/b] Silencer [b]Alchemic Style:[/b] Vocem, Sigillum [b]Asylum Code: [/b]XL(40) [b]Weapons:[/b] [u]Cobra[/u] At first glance this weapon looks like an average claw like weapon but with the claws having the ability to work as a projectile, it has an extra little kick, or rather bite, with the claws being laced with an anti-alchemic substance on his left claw and a substance that diminishes the response time of nerves on his right. [b]Alchemy specialization:[/b] Primal Fury- The ability to alter the physical body into animal like features [b]Appearance:[/b] At the height of 5'8”, compared to his partner his appearance is far from intimidating especially due to his lean features. With dirty blonde hair that is just a tad bit longer than Keith, it's just long enough to brush against his ears. With hazel eyes and a slightly angled face, he is someone that is careful in keeping up with appearance. AJ is someone who prefers to keep his clothes clean and pristine and will often bring a change of clothes while working. Appearance is more of a concern to AJ compared to Keith and is someone who is never found in a hoodie or sweatpants but will opt for something more stylish as long as it doesn't hinder his movement. [b]Personality:[/b] Perfection is something that is important to AJ. From his pristine clothes to his track record while on missions, AJ is someone that strives to make sure everything perfectly in place. That was one thing that he struggled the most with when he was partnered with Keith. He was the opposite of perfection. From his mannerism to the way he doubted the way the system worked, everything the man does goes against the way he likes to have things done. Someone who is more focused on work rather than the social aspects of life, he can be quite a conversationalist when it comes to small talk and business related conversations but past his polite and businesslike demeanor he isn't always the friendliest of people. Stubborn to a fault and one who doesn't always take in consideration of other people's feelings, it's common to find AJ bickering with emotional driven partner. However his strong drive to do what's best for AMRO, his partner and his coworkers allows him to be willing to make a sacrifice to help, even if it means wasting precious time and energy to be an emotional support for a coworker. [b]Other:[/b] To Keith's distaste, AJ has a raven named Poe that he brings with him on missions [/hider]