The summoning awoke him form his slumber. Realization came to his mind as he slowly opened his eyes: it was time. The Holy Grail War. The name suggested it is supposed to be the most sacred of all struggles, but he knew the truth was different. There was nothing holy about the butchery that was to take place, it was just a dance macabre of the power hungry heretics. Again, he will be bound to serve a Master who tramples over the True Faith. Again he will be bound by an oath which only death will be able to break. At least, this time around, he will not fight his brethren. He straightened up as the white light enveloped him, injecting him with the knowledge of the modern world. The summoning was in its full swing. Now was the time to fulfil his wish, that one wish which he held his entire life, yet against whose fulfilment the circumstances forced him to work. He finally has a chance for redemption, after so many centuries. The light began changing its colour as it swirled around him, slowly getting darker and darker, until it became pitch black. A fiery hot sensation coursed through his being. Ah, he knew this feeling, to be consumed by the madness of rage. He indulged it so many times during his life. Many have perished before his fury-filled onslaught, incapable of matching his great strength led by his blind blood-thirst, and it seemed many more will soon. Madness ate at him rapidly, burning his reason to cinders. His wish, his regret, his faith, all were melting away. They were unnecessary for the Servant of the class Berserker, and that's what he was now: a mad beast, to be chained by the power of the Holy Grail, unleashed in the direction of his Master's foes to bring them devastation and carnage. The process was quickly over. ------------------------------ Black light surged from one of the summoning circles and a tall figure clad in black armor walked out of it, shaking the entire room with each step taken. [hider= Berserker Appearance] [center][IMG][/IMG][/center] [/hider] Berserker stood in front of the young, teenage girl with straight dark hair who looked like a halfling compared to his height, and said no word. The only sign of him noticing her presence at all was his two blue eyes staring at her. There was no shred of reason in them, only a cold fury.