Needless to say, a barn. It is indeed unfitting for a lady like person such as Rika who expected the setting to be extravagant and representable than being in a farm like setting. It felt like ancient witchcraft for a setting like this but nevertheless Rika could not careless about needless details, all masters are in the same room and are here for the same thing, the commonality of the grail war, victory, wish, and strife among servants like a killing sports. She could not bother about it. Most certainly that today is the day that Rika will shut down the resemblance of any Tohsaka Tradition to her because according to the family history; her predecessors were known for summoning the Archer servant and unwittingly getting themselves killed or in big trouble and as much as the Archer class are powerful based on the word of mouth especially the Goldie. Rika does not want to have history repeat itself and face the same fate of having receive a trolling tradition curse that is even worse than a Lancer's badluck. Indeed, Rika took her superior's advice not to have an Archer especially if you are a Tohsaka due to their uncontrollable nature and betrayal. Regardless of that what matters now is the right servant. Rika began to feel a sudden rage internally like the paranoia swallowing one from [I]insanity, virility[/I] as such feeling is rejoicing and her magic circuits is reacting somewhat in a malice manner which she can't explain. The jewel on her necklace is also glowing. She also heard voices as she makes connection with her servant. [URL=]Voices that taints the soul[/URL] as her servant is summoned. As usual, Rika is not bothered but this time she is curious to see whom she have summoned. "You are..."