Though the journey itself had been quite lengthy and tiring, Cateline’s senses were gently shaken back to life as the group neared their first destination and a man in her party, she knew him to be called Jorn Segundis, began to speak about the tiny town. She nodded slightly at his summation in regards to the air surrounding the settlement and softly added, “When you put it that way, it reminds me of where I grew up.” A minor throng of individuals made their way through the heavy doors, and stood outside the gateway. Silently viewing the faces of the unfamiliar inhabitants of the small community, Cateline listened to the noises of nature around her, as the largest man wielding an impressive axe addressed them. ‘Likely the leader of the group’ she internally surmised as she viewed him, though she did not jump with a pang of excitement at the opportunity to answer him. Quite the opposite, really. Not more than a second later, it was made apparent that she had no need to. Upon hearing the sound of a hostile wolf, Cateline’s first instinct was to draw her bow and locate the source. Rearing her horse in the direction of the bark, Cateline again surveyed the scene as she nocked a red feathered arrow into place, drawing back the string. One of her companions, addressing her as ‘Forest Lady’ snapped at her. Her single, curt reply was, “Way ahead of you.” Cateline spotted the two humanoid figures running down the hill: one quite small, one large. Humming briefly as she backtracked their path in the snow, she spotted a white furred canine predator in hot pursuit. Aiming briefly, and adjusting for any wind, Cateline let loose a single arrow in the direction of the beast when a clear line of site was available to her. [hider=Equipment] [Equipment] Shortsword Longbow (29 arrows) Light Armor (Armor D) Painkiller (x4) Bandages (x5) Disinfectant (x5) Animal Companion (Hawk) [/hider]