Feon was already in the temple. Due to her being a paladin she was regularly often doing some kind of important work. Feon had her hammer with her like always. Though it was sitting at the entrance, most people thought it was just a statue or something due to it being immovable, they couldn't even push it due to it's weight. Feon was excited to meet the others she was almost hopping up and down. Greg was on Feon's head at the moment, atleast he was untill he saw the lizard come in with the man. Greg quickly flew towards it and then oddly enough started to dance around the lizard as a sort of Mating Dance his kind commonly did. Others may have seen it very strange for a pigeon to being trying to get the attention of a lizard like this. Though Feon found it hilariouse. As this dance continued to started to laugh at the two, she laughed to the point of tears. "Oh that is great Greg! Try your mating dance on the lizard see what happens!" Feon said wiping a tear from her face. Feon walked up to the man who had just entered still giggling a bit from all the laughing she was doing. "I guess I should introduce myself since Greg is already introducing himself, I'm Feon!" Feon said to the man. Feon didn't actually know if this man was one of the people called or just a bystander or tourist.