Rosalie wanted to look at the letter again, she didn't think that it was possible for someone to make so many errors without noticing. She decided to make sure that they were really mistakes and not something important, she took out the envelope again, opened it and pulled out the letter but this time something fell out of it and on to the ground. When she looked down she saw some $100 bills, five to be exact and she wondered how she hadn't noticed it before, she picked up the money and put it into her pocket as they might come in handy later. She opened up the letter and, taking out a pen, underlined each of the capital letters that weren't needed in the letter, it ended up looking like this: [color=00aeef]Dear [u]P[/u]erson of [u]U[/u]nrest, [u]U[/u]nfulfilled, [u]U[/u]nloved and [u]U[/u]nwanted, I am a [u]P[/u]erson of [u]G[/u]reat [u]W[/u]ealth and [u]G[/u]enerosity [u]W[/u]hom you do not know. I own an [u]I[/u]sland of [u]L[/u]arge [u]S[/u]ize and much [u]SECURITY[/u] from the [u]C[/u]ommon [u]W[/u]orld of [u]G[/u]reed and [u]H[/u]urt. I am [u]W[/u]illing to [u]S[/u]hare it with a few who are looking for [u]S[/u]ecurity from [u]L[/u]ife’s [u]C[/u]ruelties. The only [u]T[/u]hing that I [u]R[/u]equire is that [u]Y[/u]ou [u]C[/u]ome here to [u]M[/u]y [u]I[/u]sland and [u]L[/u]ive in [u]M[/u]y [u]C[/u]ommunity. You may keep your own personal wealth and what belongings that you are able to bring with you for I have no need of more. If you do not have enough personal belongings, I will be glad to share with you as a humble servant of a greater [u]D[/u]eity than myself. How do [u]Y[/u]ou know of [u]M[/u]e if I do not know of [u]Y[/u]ou, [u]Y[/u]ou may wonder. I know of [u]G[/u]reat many things in this [u]W[/u]orld that most [u]C[/u]ommon [u]P[/u]eople do [u]K[/u]now but do not [u]R[/u]ealize that [u]T[/u]hey know of such [u]T[/u]hings. There are many more [u]T[/u]hings that [u]Y[/u]ou will Learn while [u]Y[/u]ou [u]L[/u]ive here on [u]M[/u]y [u]I[/u]sland and [u]I[/u]n [u]M[/u]y [u]C[/u]ommunity. Please [u]J[/u]oin [u]M[/u]e at [u]M[/u]y [u]E[/u]xpense. [u]B[/u]ring all of [u]Y[/u]our [u]P[/u]ersonal [u]B[/u]elongings to the nearest [u]P[/u]ort where [u]Y[/u]ou will receive 1st [u]CLASS[/u] [u]A[/u]ccommodations to tropical paradise island of Kahoolawe, Hawaii. You will be met by a [u]F[/u]erry to [u]M[/u]y [u]I[/u]sland. Do not worry for the [u]S[/u]omehow in some way, the [u]A[/u]ccommodations will be there. Remember This: A [u]F[/u]riend in [u]N[/u]eed is a [u]F[/u]riend [u]I[/u]ndeed, Null[/color] Afterwards when she looked at it she still couldn't see a pattern, she turned it every which way but still nothing.