[CENTER][B]Metallica Weapon - Sonoda Yuka[/B][/CENTER] An attack! >>The warmth and glow of those orbs of power ... the ionization of the gases within this atmosphere ... it is truly evident that this automaton has harnessed the energies of plasma for its own gain! An astounding capability, especially if taking into account the power required to maintain such an attack ... but no matter! It is an attack that I must avoid at all costs. She stopped, feet digging into the earth. Metallica Weapon seemed frozen in time, the armoured warrior standing resolute upon the concrete street path outside of the school fence. The plasma bolts closed in. Her armour glinted in the sunlight. What was she planning? What was the motive behind this strange course of action? Was it not her goal to avoid being struck by the blasts? What did she have up her sleeve? Her body moved. Metallica Weapon swung her leg around, kicking the plasma blasts back up into the sky. >>Damage from the blasts would induce greater burdens upon the taxpayers if they were to strike the earth! She did not wish for that.