[@Aisling] After Skotadi had told Thomas that she had wanted to be in Draconic Arts and he had given her the box, she looked through the boxes as instructed, she liked the idea of sentient, that way they were hers and hers alone which worked for her. As she hadn't even known that magic even existed and was still having a hard time with out all this talk about it was making her really confused and annoyed. She badly wanted to see the rooms, she didn't mind the fact that they started off light blue but she was going to change hers to either back or midnight blue if she could. Skotadi also wondered about the pet that she would choose and when and how she was going to get her wand, she thought about what it might look like. She doubted that she would need the phone or to get her equipment fixed as she was especially careful with anything that she was told or she thought that she would need. [color=00aeef]"Are we going to get our wands later then?"[/color]