Michael finished off his food taking zachs and Connors plate. Putting them in the sink he would get to them later. Checking the suit he was now wearing making sure everything was in order before he felt a weight against his leg. Looking down to the dog that was his best friend. Kneeling down in front of Haley he scratched her head. "You make sure to guard the house while we're gone and keep Cooper out of trouble." When she licked his cheek he smiled taking that as her yes he stood back up. Looking at the time, they still had a few hours not much though. (Gonna time skip) Dropping Hannah off at the spot he had said for her that was gonna give her a good shot and view of the building. Once done he landed getting into position above the people on the bottom floor. "Well here goes nothing." The helmet expanding and going around his head before he dropped down throwing a smoke grenade he heard shouts and gun shots. Putting his hand to the ear piece "distraction deployed the rest of up to you me and Connor will hold here zachs going for fury now." With that he and Connor went and hit any person that got to close to the team.