After what seemed like hours, the match was finally over, and the could finally get into the stadium to finish their job. The stadium was as quiet as it could be with all the people gone. You could hear a pin drop from the bottom of the arena all the way in the nosebleed seats. [color=00a651]"Alright lets get this place cleaned up, and see if we can't get the ceiling fixed where that girl fell. Anything else that's broken or damaged, do your best to fix it, if you can't we'll take it back to the shop and do it there."[/color] She said. Everyone quickly gathered their tools, and got to work. Kushala walked through the building helping out where she could while making her way to the ceiling with some of the others to see how bad the damage was "Well it's not bad, but there's no way we can fix it right now" said one of the workers. The girl sighed as she closed her eyes and shook her head in frustration. [color=00a651]"At least it can't get any worse"[/color] she said.