(Quick warning, title's still kind of in working.) [i]Most of us know the myth of Pandora's Box(Jar, to those of us that went the extra mile). Zeus, father of the gods, is angry at the Titan Prometheus for his past trickery for the furthering of mankind. Zeus makes the perfect woman with the help of all of the other gods, and gives her a box with explicit warnings not to open it, then presents her to Prometheus' brother: Epimethius. They marry, and one day Pandora gets curious and wonders what's inside the box. She opens it, and all sorts of horrors fly forth from the box and attack her before scattering into the world as she quickly shuts the lid. The only thing left inside? Hope. It's several millennia after the opening, the tradition of warriors and powerful heroes has never really left the world, albeit with much less frequency than in olden days. The horrors that once ravaged the world have now simply become part of everyday life. Sickness, jealousy, hatred, war, abuse, and death to name a few are things that humans have come to terms with and have decided to accept, albeit begrudgingly. However the god of Death, Thanatos, isn't happy with the way things are. He wants the world to fear him once more. As the leader of the horrors, he begins to strengthen them by feeding them the essence of random people across the planet in an attempt to make them into what they once were in the Age of the Gods. In response to the scale of balance being tipped, Hope reawakens herself from her slumber deep inside of the enchanted jar awakens the ancient blood of the closest and most direct descendant of Pandora that she can find which compels them to make their way to a cave not far from their village. Inside, she discovers an ornate jar that seems worn and has many scratches covering its surface depicting many different heroes and events from ages past. Upon her hand making contact with the jar, Hope's consciousness floods her body and she uses the limited strength that she has to send out a cry planet-wide to every and any warrior that she possibly can to compel them to make their way to a specified location where the journey to return the horrors back into the jar shall begin...[/i] [hider=Notes about the world]This world is very similar to your typical fantasy world, with warriors and wizards, but the only race that currently exists other than the normal humans are [b]half-lings[/b], or [b]demigods/demi-titans[/b]. They are the (mostly)direct descendants of gods, titans, and other deities similar to that. Most humans are incapable of becoming warriors and mages, but half-lings bank their existences on these jobs. In very rare cases, some humans do exhibit the skill required for becoming a hero, but it's uncommon as a whole. The world takes place on a large inter-connected landmass referred to as, of course, Pangaea. Pangaea itself is separated into 9 different countries known as Eskabar, Vindoolan, Almortum, Galaitatia, Wandenzech, Jorcest, Quoloo, Cabaz, and Tetorcian. Each has their own villages and other civilizations whose creations are left to the players. Formeta is known as the city of fleeting lights, and is the only civilization that's large enough to be considered a city. It's got very home-y feeling brick buildings with chimneys, a public forum where people hold meetings, a street market for the purchase and barter of goods, and it's most especially known for it's star showers which happen very frequently and are quite dazzling. It's also the point of meeting in this RP. All beings have mana. The only way it can be focused is via a personal mantra, or a catalyst which is the more common way. There are other, more creative ways, but they're even less common than mantras. One must have a license to own a steel blade of any kind, although unauthorized weapons are quite common in the more rural areas of the world.[/hider] Hopefully I haven't overloaded you. Once there's a decent amount of people, the OOC will be put up and we can get moving towards starting. I'm more than willing to answer any question you have about the world, or how the RP will work and etc. [hider=CS] Name: Gender: Age: Height: Weight: Appearance: Notable Markings(non-required): Personality: Equipment: (weaponry, armor, any other things you'd like to mention) Abilities: (warrior/mage?, abilities, etc.) Ancestor/Patron: (Gods and heroes, mane. Patrons are gods that don't have children or are incapable of having children.) Background: [/hider]