[@KatherinWinter] Kyle was really starting to annoy Raven and annoyance + Raven = bad idea ,[color=00aeef]" Okay, no, I don't think that I was dehydrated to tell the truth but I know for sure that a little fire didn't scare me and yes, I did notice that we are totally surrounded by trees. I know that wood burns well, I'm not thick and I also suggest that you don't talk about something that happened when you don't even know what happened."[/color] Raven knew that she shouldn't of snapped but she wasn't exactly known for being very calm, especially when people talked about things that they didn't understand. This was becoming too overwhelming and by the sounds of it she hadn't helped at all, she only worsened the situation so she said sincerely to Ivy,[color=00aeef]" I'm sorry,"[/color] and then fast-walked to her cabin to try and calm herself down again.