Akio collapsed out of his desk chair in pain clenching his shoulder but at least this time he wasn't nauseous from correctly logging out of The Hack. The recent injury had caused what felt like a dislocation, but without proper medical attention he wasn't sure of the true damage. He looked around his room noting that it was definitely later in the afternoon. He pulled himself off the floor and sat on the edge of his bed. His decision to leave the hack was based purely on knowing that his injury would become more of a hindrance then any help, but in the moments before he logged out he was able to watch the events play out on the ground below. Three people battling a huge beast made of metal and steel; The woman holding her ground with an energy like shield; The man dashing around like a fierce warrior, and the young girl slashing at it with arms of blades. "Dammit," he cursed as he gripped the edge of his bed. None of this was making any sense to him. How was he getting hurt in real life when it was all inside a computer, all inside his head. Standing up and walking towards the wardrobe, Akio pulled out a loose fitting jacket and threw it over his shoulders. He had to make his way to a medical centre and he didn't want to draw attention to himself. The car was out of the option since driving would simply be too painful so he would more than likely have to walk. Closing the wardrobe he noticed a faint light coming from his hallway. Slowly he walked out of his bedroom and turned to where the end wall of the hallway should have been. Instead of a clean wall with fresh paint, there was a charred hole leading to the outside world. Stepping over towards the obscure feature he kneeled down and ran his fingers over the edges wondering what had caused this. [color=gray][i]> No Target Found...[/i][/color] "No..." he whispered as he remembered those words appearing on his HUD when he first entered The Hack. This surely wasn't caused by him, was it? Is so then that would mean that their actions within The Hack would affect everything in the outside world, including... the fallen building! Akio made a dash for the front door, grabbing his car keys on the way. Pain or no pain, he had to make it to where the others were fighting just to check the damage, to see if it was at all real.