[hider=Bryce Belarron][img]http://i.imgur.com/wfbc1FI.jpg?1[/img][/hider] Name – Bryce Belarron Age – 19 Nickname - Gemini Favorite Color – Black and Blue Magic, type, style – Illusions and ice (At current as the story progresses he will learn more) Favorite foods - Grilled fish when he actually remembers to eat that is Favorite activities – People observation, studying Motivations – His want to know more and learn all that can be learned of magic Short Bio – Bryce was born into a family of very prestigious wizards. The Belarrons were known well for their aid all over the world. Bryces father Jace was known for his interrogation skills and often times his heroics it was nothing for his father to conjure up several hundreds of illusions all feeling almost real. Bryces mother Chandra Belarron was a psionic able to read a person’s mind implant memories and even sculpt their thought. You would think being born into this family was an amazing thing but not if you’re born into a family of mages and you turn out to be the slightly normal child. That’s right Bryce was born with only one thing from his parents the ability to cast an illusion that would flicker and fade faster than anything one could imagine. However life was still easy for Bryce he rode his parent’s coat tails for a long time but as he grew older he realized he had a desire to learn of magic First of his own strengthening what he could do with his one illusion he worked so hard at it till he could cast it with a thought but had to remain within 50yds of it any further and it would flicker and fade.