Rika arrogantly stated the fact that she'll be the one to take this person on to herself;[i] "Interesting, that's my line and I look forward to that."[/i] Meanwhile she have summoned the Berserker, a servant clad in blackness, jet black of the pitch black, darkness and all the black coloring you could find in the world; as dark as the abyss. She had one question but this Ahsen Mandrake guy just disappeared, Rika wanted to ask something regarding elemental magecraft but screw that since the man left with no manners. Currently, Rika wanted to take advantage of having her servant wreak havoc. Afterwards she addresses everyone with the disrespectful mannerism that her mother language uses お前 (Omae) with the 大好きな曲(Omaetachi). In Japanese it offensive, "I'm getting the hell out of here. No way I will be packed like sardines with the rest of you filthy [i][b]mongrels[/b][/i], not like I'm into such wishing device but it is kinda tempting. Get in my way and I'll burn you all to ashes." Nonchalantly stating the fact that she's not cool with the rest of the masters and servants, bluntly like a tiger glaring at its prey. Rika successfully declare her statement in three different languages, Japanese, English, and German. It's like declaring war against many countries. Along with her ignition of flame magecraft as an aura, it would normally startle everyone in the room if they don't have a brain. Then she grinned and reconsiders it, "But if any of you whole lot would so like an alliance with me then it is most certainly natural that you do the same and get the hell out of here." She walks away slowly to see if anyone retaliates from her threatening. "Let's go Berserker. We'll take on [i]high[/i] quality magi instead of these third-rates." Rika really didn't mean what she said but her aloof expression tells that she really mean it. The cover of the book is easily judged if no thought is pierced.