It looks like we have about 7 individuals interested by this point, and I don't want to form a large line. With some wanting to make multiple characters, I'd like to keep the number manageable, as I know there were some concerns about a large group. With that said, let's consider the interest check finished and the RP now [i][b]full[/b][/i], for the time being. I will create the actual thread and finalize the CS this morning. [@Leslie Hall] It'd be great to have you! To be honest, I got some influence when you created Seekers of the First Flame. I realized the potential there was for working within a certain fandom/mythos and still having original thought. [@RBYDark] Thank you for asking, the CS was made somewhat frantically and I'm glad there are questions. 1) That bit was originally meant to entail personality traits, flaws/merits of character, psychological/mental conditions etc. But if anyone would like to add a physical condition, feel free. By paranormal sensitivities I mean something along the lines of "Has this person had a history of vivid, often bizarre and nightmarish dreams, had visions or an [i]awareness[/i] of the paranormal?" Nothing like superpowers, more like a sixth sense kind of thing. This point mainly relates to Lovecraft's work, where dreams and paranoia were part and parcel. 2) Guns, knives, sticks, black powder bombs, anything that they actively carry and may cause bodily harm. Exotic as you like, Arkham's residents are known for their strange trinkets. 3) Again, things they have on their person most of the time. If they have a home or hovel someplace, they could always pull something out of an old cupboard or trunk and take it with them [b]within reason[/b]. For personal belongings I think of keys, family photos, a flask, things of that nature. [@Sixsmith] I wasn't sure how prevalent the game was anymore, I only got into it some months ago. I've only ever won against Azathoth (probably because his abilities are easy to remember), but my last game with Hastur was a nightmare. Funny you mention inebriation, every time I've finished it I've been well over the limit and had to explain it in the state you mentioned - maybe missing a rule or two. It seems once you're able to learn the turn phases it works like a charm. Glad to meet another player.