[quote=@Sagittarius] Name: Lura Virem Age: 16 Gender: Technically none, but identifies as male Race: [hider=Blood Slime] A rare species occasionally born from the spilled blood of beings with large amounts of magical power. They are unique in that they have high intelligence compared to their normal counterparts and can utilize magic, usually either hemomancy or corresponding with the blood slime's "parent". Particularly powerful hemomancers can intentionally create blood slimes and control them, but there are few that have actually achieved this.[/hider] Class: Short-range mixed attacker with minor healing abilities Physical Description: [img]http://oi62.tinypic.com/263zlzl.jpg[/img] Though Lura has taken on a humanoid form to better fit into human society, his body is still made of the translucent, crimson gel iconic to his race. His hair and eyes, while still the same gooey substance, are simply a darker shade of red. While unable to understand why people are adverse to his slimy features, Lura still takes the courtesy to hide them underneath his grey, hooded cloak. The cloak, along with his dressy outfit, has several pockets which hold his belongings. He normally stands at a short 5'6" with an average frame. Skillset: Hemomancy - Lura's hemomancy is incredibly potent due to the amount of blood he has, but is short-ranged because his level of mastery is still relatively low. He can also use it to mend minor wounds and preform a transfusion. Mimicry - Lura can copy the movements of others after seeing them, but not their magic or innate abilities. Natural Abilities: Lura's form is malleable, allowing him to morph into anything he can see with less mass than him. Absorbing blood temporarily increases his mass and allows him to regenerate lost body parts. Magic Type: Fell Magic School: Hemomancy - The caster's blood is used to attack other beings and drain their life-forces. It can also be used to give blood and seal wounds. History: There was once a powerful archmage named Lucius Virem, exhausted from years of fighting. Deciding that he wouldn't fight any longer, the mage hung up his robes and retired to his tower. Relaxing for a few years certainly helped him, but now he was wondrously bored. [i]"I suppose a hobby or two would help,"[/i] he said to himself as he pondered what he could do. He'd never cooked his own meal in a while, so the archmage told the golem that normally made his meals to take a break, and he himself took up a knife for the first time in a long time. Shaking from something between enthusiasm and muscle deterioration, Lucius accidentally cut himself. Normally unfortunate, this actually turned out to be a stroke of luck for the old mage. As his blood dripped, it took the form of a small, putty-like blob. Fascinated by this more than trying to do something he was bad at, the archmage brushed the minuscule slime into a cup and brought it to his study. He decided to name it Lura. Everyday, he fed Lura some of his blood and watched it grow, graduating from a cup to a bowl. Lucius carried it from room to room with him, chatting to it as if it were a close friend as he read or took a bath; Lura seemed to hop or shake a little in response to his words. Being eccentric as usual, Lucius wondered if smarter slimes could learn like people and decided to give him an education. Along with giving him the necessary knowledge to live in the outside world, Lucius helped Lura learn the art of hemomancy, reaching the point where Lura could change his own form into fine shapes. During the ten remaining years of the archmage's life, he finally came to consider Lura like a son. After the old man was put into a tomb in the tower, Lura adopted the surname Virem and took the cloak put away years ago. Though he wasn't welcomed by most people, he found a home as a mercenary, where no one cared who he was as long as he could get a job done. Equipment: Grimoires - Lura accepts two types of pay: money and magic tomes. He's still relatively inexperienced at hemomancy, so he tries to learn what he can about it. He can also invoke stronger spells with some of them. Notebook - Though able to talk, Lura seems to prefer writing down his words rather than actually speaking. He also likes drawing things, but usually ends up making them hyperrealistic. [/quote] Love the character, it's original (to me, anyway), I'll give it that. Got me a little question though, does that mean his skin looks like red jelly? Accepted in either case.