[hider=night sky] [img]http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BLg_JV2CYAEtzAC.jpg:large[/img] [/hider] The fifth age, bright and endless possibilities are everywhere. Races of every imagination walk, swim, slither, and fly. Gnomes with dwarves smiths create new steam powered craft called sky galleys. Ships that fly by combining the use steam powered propellers and modern sails. The geography is similar to our earth, as the outline of continents (minus the north and south American continents) and water ways are concerned. The topical geography is a completely different matter. The overall surface of the planet is 3x this size of the one you know. This planets moon is also only 1/3 the distance of earths. There are floating islands that drift like clouds across the sky. The fresh water rivers, streams, lakes, are all clear and drinkable. Deep forests some untouched for ages. The trees resembling sequoia tower over the maples that make up the second canopy. The oceans are also clean and clear with more reefs, ocean life, and humanoids. Here are ruins from the first and second ages to explore. Cultures that differ from each other, economic, religion, the way they dress to what they eat. Yet each culture is tied to the other forming a symbiosis with neighboring smaller communities. Every detail is a door to something new.