[@JohnSolaris] Okay so this is what I have so far for my character.... [hider=Vestus] Name: Vestus Devven "Guts" or "Vanguard" Sex: Male Age: 30 Appearance: Vestus is 5 ft 11 inches and 190 lbs, looks very athletic and strong, Vestus has short black hair and hazel eyes, his skin is somewhat tan, he wears a light leather vest and a black shirt underneath it, he wears a pair of fitted cargo pants with a pair of tall black leather boots, all clothing has signs of wear and tear but are generally clean. Personality: Vestus is a very determined and virtuous man always keeping a promise and setting goals to finish them on time, he holds his friends close and his enemies even closer but he is a very spiritual man believing that Deamons are real many just think this is one of his quirks but he holds this superstition close because he blames Deamons for the death of his parents, Vestus is a very tough and strong man always healthy and fit but he is often hotheaded at times, he is cunning and brave. Vestus used to have a wife and children until one day they got into a car crash mother was drunk, he still grieves to this day, he wasn't very religious but he is very philosophical, Vestus likes hunting and sword fighting and fencing which are three of his main hobbies, he has a habit of being impatient and often wandering off but not far and does something else because he is bored. Biography: Vestus was an honest working man, he used to work at a hunting and fishing store until he got laid off and that was after his wife and children died, after that he kept to himself often not answering phone calls and kind of walling off all of society for a while he kept doing this until he returned and let all his friends know he was going through a grieving period and that it was over but he decided not to get a job again he started hunting and practicing sword fighting more. Skills: Swordfighting/Fencing; Vestus has been taking lessons in swordfighting for years and has become a great almost professional Swordsman/Fencer. Hunter; He often takes joy in hunting and/or fishing he especially likes hunting deer. Elemental Cores: Light. 1 Heat. 1 Abilities: -Divine Fire (Light, Fire); Vestus creates a ball of Fiery Light energy and can use it to hurl at his foes doing much damage. -Vanguard of the Holy Hearth (Light, and Heat); Vestus conjures the divine energy bestowed upon him and covers himself in bright glowing armour of divine light and summonsa sword composed of Light energy and its touch burns. -Burning grasp (Heat and Fire); Vestus's hands are extremely hot and can set fire or burn objects if he so desires he can will his hands to only feel slightly warm. -Body of Flame (Life, Light, Fire, Magma and Heat); Vestus has resistance to fire, heat and magma and is able to light parts of his body on fire if he so wishes to. -Warrior of Light (Light, Life); Vestus is enhanced in combat and is able to strike harder, has an enhanced awareness in battle and can read a foe like a book. Familiars: None. Possessions: None, except the clothing he wears. [/hider]