Lee hoped that the other Masters would not take offense to his Servants comments. He would much rather start this Grail War of on a happy note, with everyone failing to notice him and all. Lee raked his hands through his brown hair, Lancer was definitely not taking this whole thing seriously. [color=SlateBlue]"Lancer, don't you think..."[/color] Lee was cut short by the sudden disappearance of Lancer. Her sudden reappearance startled him even more. She had teleported, or appeared across the room, directly behind Saber. It seemed that his fears had came true, one of the Servants that he wanted to avoid was the one his Servent went to. Lee face palmed, she was going to be a hand full. [color=SlateBlue]"Lancer, were leaving. Unhand her and let us be in our way, you'll have plenty of opportunities to have you way with her later in this War."[/color] his voice stern and his eyes hard. Suddenly he grinned, [color=SlateBlue]"Im not into loli-con, that should give you your answer though."[/color] Lee placed his hands in his pocket, ignoring the brazen remarks of Caster's and Berserker's Master's. Making threats this early in the game was asking to get themselves killed, but alliances made sense to him. Despite everyone in this room being untrustworthy Mages, he was in this to survive. Although he did not know what he wanted the Grail for, he would fight for it anyway, it would be entertaining in the long run. As Lee walked out the front of the building, Lee cast a thumbs up at Berserker's Master, signaling that he was interested in her alliance, it would benefit him in the long run to ally himself with Berserker, it was the one he most concerned about next to Saber.