[@SadCubone] "Your welcome Zack you deserved it and I know you would have ran out of the rift but all that would have done is get you killed" Solis said in a kind of sad tone. "But anyways lets get back to the fire they must be wondering why we took so long and remember tell no one or else you will be condemned from heaven and never be able to enjoy its beauty" Solis then looked at Zack and said. "I am sorry for what I did and if anyone is to give you trouble they will have to deal with me for if I have done you wrong I am to help you whenever I can and be a friend to you when you need a friend and for me it's hard to keep friends so I am always moving around it is hard on me" Solis sounded sad. "I don't have many friends because of what I am and I should have let you go, I have learnt much about you from when we were in Shadow Form you need to learn to keep your mind closed but trust me your history is safe with me," Solis said with confidence. "So Zack are we on good standing now and may I call you a friend as humans say?" He asked in a kind tone.