[img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10404067_759717920781938_7022636289715811586_n.jpg?oh=ff7d831d4f6250de2cb4348c87f36157&oe=56162652&__gda__=1444509915_9181e0f22b947f0e54b53a806487855f[/img] Name: Diona Sarvas "Dio" Age: 25 Emblen location: Low back Magic: Blast magic, this magic allows the caster to generate a great amount of energy in any part of the body and release it causing an explotion. Techniques: 1-Exploding fist: The energy accumulated in the fist explodes when hits the target 2-Exploding kick: Same as before. 3-Exploding fury: The caster accumulates a geat amout of energy and releases it like a kamehameha. 4-Exploding shockwave: The caster kicks or punches the ground causing an explotion in a 20 meters radio Items: Rapier, Bio (optional)