"Yeah... Yes, I know. Okay, okay! I love you all too, bye!" Kyo hung up her phone and leaned back on the bench she was sitting on. It's been barely past 24 hours since she got to the school and her family is already calling non-stop. That was the 5th call since yesterday. Kyo sighed and forced herself off the bench. "Alright! Let's go grab something to eat," she made her way to the cafeteria. Along the way, a few students exchanged smiles and greetings. Upon reaching the cafeteria, Kyo dug into her uniform skirt pocket and pulled out her wallet. She had enough to get a few things, although she wouldn't use it all in one day. Inside, she got into line behind a young brunette boy. "Can I get one cheese bun and a caramel custard please? Oh, and water as well." Kyo watched as he obliviously ordered food with no intentions of paying. She watched him leave displeased and return to his seat on the far side of the cafeteria. [i]I sorta feel bad for him.[/i] Kyo walked up for her turn and hesitated for a moment before letting out a slight sigh. "Everything he ordered and a curry bread as well please," she smiled and dropped coins into the lunch lady's hand. After receiving her items, Kyo proceeded toward where the boy was sitting. She set down the food in front of him and grabbed her curry bread. "Geez, who comes to a cafeteria like this without money?" She asked, taking a seat across from him. [@Tokki]