[color=a2d39c]“….Wait a minute, that answers nothing…” [/color]Macey stood puzzled once again, before a sudden realisation made her heart sink. [color=a2d39c]“…You don’t know anything about this place either. You don’t even remember who I am.” [/color] She was going to turn back, but she heard a distant snarling growling and yapping like a pack of wolves in a fierce fight. She couldn’t see them at all from this distance, but whatever could be making those sounds, were probably much worse than wolves. Looks like it wasn’t totally safe within the city walls either… is the outside meant to be even worse than that? “J[color=a2d39c]ust as useless as the rest of them, can you believe… I actually saved your life!” [/color]She whispered to herself. And in that moment, Macey’s exasperation turned into a gleam of determination. Seeing that the bird-man hadn’t gone far, she ran ahead and stood in front of him, defiantly. [color=a2d39c]“I saved your life, when one of your experiments almost killed you. The house you were in collapsed, and the whole roof fell on top of you. I, out of the goodness of my heart, was the one to save you while all the other villagers looked on, waiting for you to die. See that? I’m not like the other villagers. In fact, I’m not a villager. I’m something better. I moved that roof without a problem – I have super human strength you see? Then, before I could tell you how you could repay the debt, you wandered back into the darkness. The shock of the whole ordeal must have given you amnesia, but I’ll forgive you this one time. You can’t be totally useless like the rest of them, you see. If you’re not useless, then [i]prove it.[/i]” [/color]Macey walked up to him, trying desperately hard not to shiver internally so close to his haunting mask again despite what her strong exterior may show, and grabbed his glove in a fierce hand shake. [color=a2d39c]“I’m Macey James, and I’m pleased to be colleagues with you from now on – until you pay back my debt, that is worth one life. But that can wait. First, we’re going outside the wall to the land of pain and suffering, remember? ” [/color]