[center][h1][color=gray] Old One Rising ____________________________[/color][/h1][/center] [b][center]"[i]The process of delving into the black abyss is to me the keenest form of fascination.[/i]" - Howard Phillips Lovecraft [/center][/b] [center][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahRhXfZdyGE]The unofficial Old One Rising title theme[/url][/center] Of things irrefutably true, that there exists a mysticism to the world is one; that which alludes simultaneously to the grandeur of life and also all the macabre happenings and sights we are privy to. After the closing of the Great War, the United States is experiencing a widespread shifting of identity. Some say it was the American progressive movement at its finest, while others say that the war snuffed out its already dying light. The Prohibition is in full swing, intolerance and prejudice towards immigrants and foreigners is rife, youth is disenfranchised with the prominent individuals of government and science has found itself called upon to answer the social questions of the time. [i][b]Arkham, Massachusets, 1925.[/b][/i] The sea-softened town of Arkham, at once both large and small, home to schools of thought both conservative and youthful, sees most of this social struggle through word-of-mouth and printed news. Once a humble fishing village, and lies some significant distance north of Boston. It is home to the Miskatonic University, an institution known for its quality of education in the sciences of both the world and mind. Arkham is historical in that it is host to dark legends, rumors and dreadful wive's tales that have lurked about its wooded hills and rock-laden, driftwood shores for centuries. Bizarre happenings in the sea, disappearances, plagues, a furtively operated sanitarium and a number of resident cults are among this plethora of grim stories. It would seem, however, that this morbid air that hangs over the town of Arkham is to be requited; an ancient horror, something beyond the comprehension of mere mortals and dwelling within a loathful otherworldly realm, has chosen Arkham as its bastion by which to awaken, and enslave the world of man. Once again, as happened so many decades ago, the tides of the ocean have begun to swell and recede and strange happenings are abound. An impenetrable fog broods in the hills, slowly seeping forward, and inmates of the Arkham Asylum howl madly at the waning moon. The signs are there, patterns hinting at an imminent evil churning in the ether. For those few in Arkham who question the freakish occurrences, those who are possessed of a curiousity, courage or dark fascination to peer into the eyes impending doom - they shall face the Old One rising. [center][img]http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/24/79/80/24798025fc312523cdfd0677795e0973.jpg[/img] [url=http://gheron.random-generator.com/forums/uploads/arkham-hires.jpg]Map of Arkham[/url] [url=http://cdn.obsidianportal.com/assets/241492/Lovecraft_Country.png]Map of "Lovecraft Country" - Arkham and the surrounding towns[/url] [/center] [center][h1][color=gray]____________________________[/color][/h1][/center] The tentative goal of the characters, or investigators as they may be referred to, will be to work together to discover the nature of the bizarre things happening in Arkham, unveil their source, battle the forces of evil and ultimately attempt to stop the coming of the Great Old One. However, each character may have their own ambitions or personal goals that could further or hinder this task. Any number of things from a sudden banishment of monsters to a character death could mean Arkham is closer to either being saved, or consumed. [hider=General rules of Old One Rising] 1.) This roleplay will be dynamic, for lack of better words. Given, interactions will still determine the course of the plot, but as time progresses and the Great Old One gets closer and closer to awakening, things in Arkham will change in relation to how much "progress" the characters have made. The utmost will be done to ensure that this does not impede the main goal of roleplaying. 2.) I'd ask everyone to work together to make this a very [i]difficult[/i] roleplay. To elaborate, as these individuals in Arkham learn of the Great Old One and its coming, combat the horrors spawning from other dimensions and even enter these other-world realms themselves, they face great danger. Horrific sights, be they nightmarish creatures, atrocities or abstractions of reality, will pose a threat both physically and psychologically to each investigator of the paranormal. They will come to question their own sanity and courage. [color=red]Death[/color], [color=red]insanity[/color] and [color=red]disappearance[/color] are all very readily available fates for any character, be they a hardened war veteran or inquisitive student of the Miskatonic University. Should your character meet their end, it need not mean the end of your involvement however, another character can be brought in and the previous simply becomes part of the plotline. 3.) Static NPC's shall be controlled by me unless someone expresses interest in temporarily assuming the role of an NPC. [color=red]Combat mechanics are to be decided.[/color] 4.) It is 1925. With that said, appropriate era technology applies. Characters shall fight with such things as cavalry sabres and tommy guns, but [color=red]magic will be made available as otherworldly power seeps into Arkham[/color]. 5.) By this point, you should expect this RP to involve somewhat mature themes of violence, psychological development (or degradation), anguish and keep a general air of horror to itself. It goes without saying that the rules of the roleplayers guild, as well as common courtesy, should be obeyed so we may all enjoy in peace. 6.) You may format your posts and character sheet however you like. Though, [color=red]I ask that you include in each post a sort of "status" that gives insight into their physical and psychological condition.[/color] It may be as simple as "Hemmoraging from the gut /\ Panicked", but if you would prefer to write a brief piece detailing their condition that is just as well. Disclaimer: I do not claim ownership of any original content used to preface this roleplay; the works of HP Lovecraft, images used in the creation of the setting and character sheets, as well as songs referenced with the roleplay are all the property of their owners. Thank you. [/hider] [hider=Old One Rising character sheet - format however you'd like] [b]* Please post your tentative character in the OOC thread so we may all get an idea of what characters have already been created. I will look them over, accept them, and you are then free to post them to the character thread. *[/b] [u]Basics[/u] Name: Nickname/title: (The Monster Hunter, The Doctor, The Gangster etc.) Gender: Age: Build/physicality: Appearance: (Period black and white photos/portraits are preferred, but please, no anime) [u]Background[/u] Psychological status: (Is your character of sound mental status at the beginning of the RP?) Quirks, ticks, conditions, sensitivities to the paranormal: (Ex.: Personality traits, or if they have a history of bizarre dreams/visions) Magical potential (Y/N): (**You may opt for a "squishy" character now, over a solid, magicless gunslinger only to harness the power later. Nothing is set in stone as far as a "class", just don't expect Dual-Shotty Joe to be hurling fireballs later on**) Personality: Hometown: Education: Occupation: Achievements: (Career-related, personal etc.) Sexuality: Religion/philosophy: Marital status: Family status: (Parents deceased? Sibling back home? Orphan?) Biographical writeup: (Whatever you like, but include either why they came to Arkham or, if a resident, their history there.) [u]Miscellaneous information[/u] Combative belongings: (Please don't begin the RP packing an armory with you - more can be acquired later.) Noncombative belongings: (Keys to a storage closet at the university? A pet rock?) Other information (optional): Theme song (optional): [/hider]