The first dogman was already weakened critically from the sudden burst of darkness Tatsumi had unleashed. As Akemi approached it with hell’s wrath blazing in her eyes, it whimpered aloud once before two slashes and a dagger made it silent forever. It slumped forward with fresh blood leaking out of it in large pools, paving the street red. Or so it would seem…. As Akemi unleashed her fire magic to torch the dark thing, it leapt up with the remainder of its life to end the one standing before it. Fire coating its fur in ragged clumps, it lunged with jaws open and aimed for the girl’s throat. Near her, two of the creatures stalked around Jenniver with clear, malicious intent in their gazes. They had come for a female and Jenniver was the next best thing in their eyes now that the woman was out of their clutches. Snarling with rage, they charged at her from both angles, swords slashing and jaws snapping with the intent of taking at least a good chunk out of the girl. Two remaining dogmen of the original five were engaged with both Sinthe and Tatsumi. One of them was unlucky enough to be on the receiving end of Sinthe’s ferocious blows, staggering backwards and splaying on the dirty ground. It was not dead but it was disorientated from the rapid attack. The other one was weaving in and out of Tatsumi’s reach, taking quick slices with blade and claws whenever it could. A fitting first battle for the new Hunters that proved most amusing for the citizens of Iredele. Even further away from this struggle were Macey and Leo. While the battle was raging in the middle of the town square, some of Iredele’s residents were unlucky enough to miss the spectacle at hand. Such was the case of a tall and gangly farmer, lumbering around with a straw hat coated with dried mud that was too big for his head. He walked as if drunken by some sort of spell, alcohol being its name and he peddled up to the two with nary a care or worry. “Hey, did you hear the, urp, fight going on? I hear there’s a, ern, fight. Near the town square with the well and the mud…right? Wanna come see, see, stranger? Got funny looking folk just like yourself,” he said in a slurred tone to Macey. He had no reason to think he wasn't cutting into the middle of their conversation.