[h2]Mako Moritomi//Game Over Arcade[/h2] [h3]Wednesday, April 29th, 2015[/h3] ==~== Mako always did like a good fight, whether with his real fists or his virtual ones, which was, of course, what brought him to the arcade today. He was disheartened slightly by the game on the agenda today- he would have preferred BlazBlue, honestly, he had more practice with that one- but he wasn't unskilled at this game, either. Probably not god enough to win, but it would be fun figuring that out, regardless. [i][color=0076a3]A fight's just a fight, after all. May as well have fun with it.[/color][/i] He quickly found the sign-up sheet and jotted his name down, as he pondered what character he'd end up using. [i][color=0076a3]Yu's decent- good wakeup game, good zoning through Zio... Aigis has some good defenses and mix-ups... Hm. Probably a moot point for discussion since I'll probably just pick Akihiko again. He's fun to play.[/color][/i]