Jenniver looked to either side of her as what she could only describe as monsters took a rather unhealthy interest in her, with the holy book in her hand she slowly reached around to her back. At the moment the two beasts lunged for her she felt something click, a switch flipped and her body moved more gracefully than she could have ever imagined with such a large sword. Spinning around she lowered the blade so it lined up with her back to block the incoming strikes! As the two attacks slammed into her the tip of the sword dug into the slabs below from the sheer force that hit her, thankfully stopping her from being flung back, and the book she had used as a cousin did its job wonderfully~ [color=7bcdc8][b]"That hurt about as much as I was expecting..." [/b][/color]She was being suprised by this world by the moment and a certain amount of fear and glee welled up inside her, not that one could tell just from her face mind you. Reaching up she placed her other hand on the large hilt of her blade before using the leverage she had to force the blade up, attemping to knock the beasts weapons above her head as she unleashed her own attack! The pages of the now ruined holy book fluttered around her as she gracefully extended her foot to use her falling swords momentum to swing it as hard as she could towards both of the beasts midsections!