[@Flora]: Your character is accepted. [@Raptorman]: Everything else about the character is fine, but Metal Mind should involve the Aether element, since it's a mind-altering ability. Its elements should be changed to Metal and Aether. [@Blackmist16]: A full-body transformation ability like Dragon Form is too advanced for beginner characters, so I'm afraid you'll have to remove the ability entirely for now. Also, Warrior of Light may boost your character's strength and reflexes, but it can't be as powerful as the character sheet claims it is; he's only a beginner character after all. [quote=@Laue] How many more people do you expect before starting an OOC? [/quote] I'm going to start the game right now. [b]The player characters will be divided into two groups.[/b] [@Magnato], [@ravenDivinity], [@Laue], and [@whist] are going to start in one group, along with [@BCTheEntity], though BC's character will leave the group as soon as possible. [@gammaflux], [@Flora], [@Raptorman], and [@Blackmist16] will be in the second group. This means that gammaflux and Flora will have to wait for a bit, until Raptorman and Blackmist16 have their characters accepted, before they can post. I'm going to make the first IC post now. Well, "IC", as the GM and narrator, not a character in the game. Oh well.