Gavin immediately melted into the shadows, vanishing without a word as he slowly scouted his targets. Looking at his possible opponents he wasn't quite sure who to go after. The girl that could shift into some odd matter wouldn't be the best target, she could easily dodge his attacks. The larger guy with a single sword could no doubt hold his own, and the dual katana wielder would be a tad to dangerous. He needed a easier target, one that he could at least disable. One of the guys stood out to Gavin in this regard. He stayed more to the back of the group and seemed to wear a surgical mask for some reason, but he wasn't built or carrying a visible weapon. Quite possibly a ranged fighter. 'Going against this one may yield the best results' Gavin thought to himself as he moved behind him. He watched as the others mounted their attack as he readied his own strike. Everything seemed just a tad bit slower as always when he was within the shadows, but as soon as the first attacks hit he made his move. As quickly as he could he emerged from the shadows behind the masked guy and condensed some shadows around his hand, making a blade of sorts, and thrust as hard as he could at the guys right shoulder.