[h1]Caster[/h1] With a rather amused expression upon her face as she perceived Darryl's reaction, Caster spoke to him once more through their master servant connection after his fiery little parting speech. [i]"Amusing that you have the gall to say that in front of all of your competitors. Well, with a servant like me I can say your confidence is warranted."[/i] However, this minor response came to an abrupt end as it seemed that already an altercation occurred between servants inside the stuffy barn. It seemed that the Lancer class servant had decided to engage in confrontational conduct not particularly violent in nature against the Saber class servant. Obviously from the Saber servant's bearing of nobility and traditional chivalry, an immediate rejection complemented by a violent rebuff had occurred. Perhaps this would initiate the first battle of this war. With piqued interest and curiosity that did not at all take into account the scope of seriousness this situation entailed, Caster turned and began to observe the scuffle. [i]"Young man, I suggest we stay for this parade. It will help us gauge their abilities while we can merely act as bystanders without revealing anything."[/i] Caster noticeably did not address Darryl as her master, and even her title of deeming him to be but a young man was laced with subtle condescension. Events took a superbly interesting turn when Saber immediately revealed her noble phantasm, which gripped Caster's own interest with an iron hand. It was a limited effect type mystic code suited towards initiating the mystery of the Second Magic. An exceptionally rare artifact that would have been a treasure even in the Age of Gods. The Second Magic itself was not something Caster was unfamiliar with, and she herself was capable of utilizing an aspect of it but in a way more similar to renowned martial artists of the East. Drawing from her extraordinary knowledge in magecraft, Caster discerned that this was likely not a tool to directly access the full extent of the Second Magic, but rather a siphoning tool designed to provide an infinite amount of expendable prana by accessing magical energy from the countless parallel dimensions in existence. An exceptionally formidable tool, but one that was severely limited by the user's magical capacity. An ordinary magus for example, would not be able to use such a sword to its maximum effect as their upper limit would be to say expend two hundred units of prana. Thus the sword would replenish these two hundred units instantly, allowing for an endless usage of two hundred units. Obviously, a servant with say a thousand units would be able to abuse this weapon to a far superior degree. Of course, Caster could not glean any direct specifics, and the weapon's status as a noble phantasm may have imbued it with a multitude of additional effects Caster would not comprehend without witnessing them.