[quote]I found out recently that this is simply a bug in (IIRC) Chrome/Safari's underlying rendering engine. (You were using Chrome or Safari... right?)[/quote] No... For me the tinytext in case of shorter inputs occurred with Firefox, too. Tinytext occurred whether or not device width forcing was enabled. Forcing device width resulted in [i][b]HUGE[/b][/i] text on my cell phone that I could not scale down. As in two words per line huge, and several times larger than even my desktop monitor (which is a meter from my face, unlike my cell when I hold it) normally has. [quote]However, since Shienvien painstakingly prunes the notification out of almost every quote just to spite me, I may implement this feature is a user-preference if anybody including Shienvien actually cares for it.[/quote] I'll sooner just use nameless quotes than flood other people with superfluous notifications. :P While we are at it, a quote with the @ removed from before the name still seems to send the notification... (Something I've been especially noticing since the greyed out @-less quotes of my text still pop up as notifications for me.) And yes, I still disagree on over/under notification. I as an avid patroller tend to find them annoying whenever I notice them [i]after[/i] I have read the actual thread, and have to delete them separately coming from the thread (which is nine times out of ten). In turn, I'd like to just use notifications when I need to summon a person I don't know whether will come and read the thread without. Letting people disable entire categories of user-generated pings kind of negates the purpose of them existing in the first place. [quote]Sounds to me like the guild's "remember me" function is not working correctly in your browser. It's supposed to be setting a cookie with a far-future expiration, but in your case it's apparently only setting a "session" cookie (an ephemeral cookie that your browser forgets once you close the tab).[/quote] This still happens. (Ubuntu FF 38.0 as of current version, has been doing so since 36.something.) If I remember to I can try to hunt down the RPG cookie and see what it looks like on my end. Problem still hasn't occurred with any other site.