Idan expected Emilia to call for a retreat, but her gaze was lying past him. He turned, fearing the worst but the sight he saw suprised him. Another woman was bounding towards the thing like a feral beast and leaped at it, tearing at it with claws on her hands. Another woman stood on the cliff above with a talisman in her hand. Whatever she was saying, it made the creature's legs go weak and it fell. It held onto the cliff with it's arms. "We fight," Emilia said. Idan nodded and rose back to his feet. For now, the two new combatants were on their side and he hoped they continued to be after this battle. The beast was now hanging on to the ledge, and their undead companion was closing in. If he could get in a shot though, He unslung his crossbow and pulled a bolt for the quiver on his hip to reload, then took aim, then stopped. The clawed woman was still hanging onto the creature, and considering how close Thalesin was getting to it, he could just as easily hit him. He instead turned and fired at one of the remaining skeletons, narrowly missing. "Stranger! Get to solid ground before one of us sends it down!" He called out, taking a second bolt from his quiver and reloading. He knelt down and took aim at the skeleton and sent a bolt into pelvis, cracking it and causing it to fall to the ground and scatter.