Nightwing wasn't expecting the drunk girl to come out of the limo, and he really wasn't expecting to be kicked in the chest by the blonde. She obviously had enough to drink to make herself a bit tipsy--and mouthy. Nightwing backed up a bit, tilting his head, and when said that he looked like a wanna-be Batman, he flew his hands up in defeat. "Why does everyone keep saying that? Look, Miss. First of all: I'm pretty well known. Nightwing...? Savior of Bludhaven...?" He gave another defeated sigh. "forget it. I leave the city for a few years, and everyone forgets my name..." He muttered, walking over to the back of the limo, memorizing the license plate, then the logo on the side. It was definitely the ones that supposedly belonged to Two-Face. "I don't go attacking innocent people either, by the way. Just when you get a tip that this limo belongs to a very evil man, you tend to use the fear tactic to get people talking. Speaking of which..." He made his way back towards the cab driver, he yelped in fear as he backed away, but he simply moved past the woman and went straight for him. He wasn't going to lose his lead on Two-Face because of a woman who had one too many to drink. "You never met the big boss? Which garage do you work in? What's your manager's name." He then turned to the woman. "You seem to know Jared." Before she could ask how he knew his name, he pointed to the limo. "There was a sign that read 'Hi! I'm Jared!' in the car... He has no criminal record? do you know his manager? or his Higher up?" He had a lot of questions for both of them. He was willing to spend all night talking about this.