Aihara was baffled at what he heard on the comm-link, how quick that fight ended, with how slender and...well...Odd the GEAR's look he couldn't fathom how to combat them, so he did the best thing one could do in the situation; take cover, and fire concentrated bursts at random intervals while moving as fast as he could. These GEAR's gave off a nasty vibe to him, even so he kept an eye on how they moved, usually pilot's GEAR's mimic the pilot's posture, stride, and other features after awhile. So maybe he could gauge how long they've had the GEAR's, and plan accordingly based upon the information gathered there, then he called Blade on comm-link. "Blade, any idea on what the Hell these guys are loaded up with?" He was wary of anything these guys had, they looked completely different from any GEAR he had seen, and it made him very nervous, though if he ever spoke or moved, he did his best to hide it. While the comm-link was down he swore to himself and cursed every single foe here, they were ruining the lives of everyone here, and he couldn't do shit to stop it other than destroy them. "Why can't they just [b] LEAVE US THE FUCK ALONE?![/b]" . Blitz shared his rage, his indignation to the fact that the North and South just had no care towards what independent nation they fucked over with their petty bullshit, it was shaking as his own body was; both were infuriated, though inside tears were running down his face and any speech was slightly choked; but even then he stayed focused, not letting. He took a second behind cover to shake his head of the tears and rage, then got back to the fight. He had to stay focused, stay determined to protect everyone here and he would [b]NOT[/b] let them ruin this town while could still fire his weapon. His father would do the same thing if he was still here, and his father was the man he had to live up to be. So bring it on...He was ready for whatever these assholes would throw at him! One more time he popped on the comm-link to say something to everyone: They may have some fancy fucking GEAR's, but the GEAR is what makes one better, it's the pilot guiding it. So lets show them whose better!" He yelled out, not in rage, but in determination. Fuck fancy GEAR's, Blitz was one of the best out there in his opinion, and he didn't give a fuck what they shot at him. He would win, no matter what it took.